AIM4EU Network Forum, 6.6.2019 VAASA

Continuing the effort to strengthen the collaboration amongst industry and research institutions on all aspects for EU directly funded cooperative research projects in the Vaasa region, the topic for the next forum is to showcase the opportunities for IF – Individual Research Funding for incoming and outgoing Marie Curie Fellowships and other topics within Horizon2020, both for industries and universities in the upcoming final Work Programme part in H2020 for 2019-20:

AIM4EU Network Forum

Academia-Industry-Meeting and Round Table Discussion
June 6, Bock’s Corner Village,  WIC

followed by a social get together with beer tasting and knowledge exchange

Programme outline

14:30   Registration & Refreshments

15:00   Introduction to the current theme: MSCA – IF upcoming Call  in the current Work Programme 2019

15.10   Discussion on relevant topics, i.e.

  • Incoming vs. Outgoing Fellowship Projects
  • Industrial & Academic Fellowship opportunities in EU and abroad
  • Return Phase Funding for Int’l Fellowships
  • Application by Sept 11 and what is in it
  • other topics at hand

16.00   Wrap-up discussion and ways forward on how to prepare proposals

16.30   Social networking & After work beer

Bruno Woeran
EU-affairs manager
Networking research for innovation

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