The seminar is free and open for all interested in the 5G networks possibilities
Program Schedule
Registration and Coffee: 8:30-9:00
Opening: 9:00-9:15 Opening and Welcome Word, Introducing the Program
Opening Session: 9:15-10:30
Mobile Network Evolution to 5G, Matti Keskinen, Nokia Ltd.
Coffee Break 10:30-10:45
Industry Vision: 5G Vaasa Use Cases and Panel: 10:45-12:00
Companies and mobile operators – short presentations
Panel with Nokia
Lunch Break 12:00-13:00
Research and Authority Support: 13:00-14:00
University of Vaasa, Centria University of Applied Science, VTT Technical Research Center of Finland
Test Network Development in Finland: 14:00-15:00
Test Network presentation with discussion, Mikael Lindblad and Matti Keskinen, Nokia Ltd.
Closing Words
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